TigerVNC Viewer

Cài đặt

Connect to VNC server and display remote desktop

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system that allows you to view and interact with a virtual desktop environment running on another computer on the network. Using VNC, you can run graphical applications on a remote machine and send only the display from these applications to your local device. This package contains a client which will enable you to connect to other desktops running a VNC server. VNC is platform-independent and supports various operating systems and architectures as both servers and clients.

TigerVNC is a high-speed version of VNC based on the RealVNC 4 and X.org code bases. TigerVNC started as a next-generation development effort for TightVNC on Unix and Linux platforms, but it split from its parent project in early 2009 so that TightVNC could focus on Windows platforms. TigerVNC supports a variant of Tight encoding that is greatly accelerated by the use of the libjpeg-turbo JPEG codec.

Thay đổi ở phiên bản 1.13.0

hơn 1 năm trước
(Built hơn 1 năm trước)
  • không có changelog được cung cấp
  • Phát triển bởi cộng đồng

    Ứng dụng này được một cộng đồng tình nguyện viên phát triển công khai, và phát hành dưới giấy phép GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
    Tham gia
Kích thước cài đặt~12.72 MiB
Kích thước tải xuống5.31 MiB
Cấu trúc có sẵnx86_64, aarch64
Cài đặt40.164