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Kronometer is a stopwatch application. It features the basic stopwatch actions (pause/resume/reset/laps), as well as the ability to save the times and resume them later. Kronometer is part of the KDE Extragear collection, within the Utils sub-module.


  • Start/pause/resume the stopwatch widget
  • Laps recording: you can capture the stopwatch time when you want
  • Lap times sorting: you can easily find the shortest lap time or the longest one
  • Reset the stopwatch widget and the lap times
  • Time format settings: you can choose the stopwatch granularity
  • Times saving and resuming: you can save the stopwatch status and resume it later
  • Font customization: you can choose the fonts for each of the stopwatch digits
  • Color customization: you can choose the color for the stopwatch digits and the stopwatch background
  • Lap times export: you can export the lap times to a file using the JSON or CSV format

تغییرات در نگارش 2.2.3

نزدیک 5 سال قبل
(6 ماه قبل ساخته شده)
  • هیچ تغییراتی ارائه نشده
  • ساخته شده به دست اجتماع

    این کاره به صورت آزاد به دست اجتماعی از داوطلبان توسعه یافته و با پروانهٔ GNU General Public License v2.0 or later منتشر شده.
    درگیر شدن
اندازهٔ نصب شده~677 KiB
اندازهٔ بارگیری299.85 KiB
معماری‌های موجودx86_64, aarch64