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به دست Julian Schmidhuber
Overview of the application

Chat with your friends on Signal

Flare is an unofficial app for Signal. It is still in development and doesn't include all the features that the official Signal apps do. More information can be found on its feature roadmap.

Please note that using this application will probably worsen your security compared to using official Signal applications. Use with care when handling sensitive data. Look at the projects README for more information about security.

تغییرات در نگارش v0.14.2

حدود 2 ماه قبل
(27 روز قبل ساخته شده)
  • ساخته شده به دست اجتماع

    این کاره به صورت آزاد به دست اجتماعی از داوطلبان توسعه یافته و با پروانهٔ GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 منتشر شده.
    درگیر شدن
اندازهٔ نصب شده~38.67 MiB
اندازهٔ بارگیری12.91 MiB
معماری‌های موجودaarch64, x86_64