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The GNOME Project

View and use other desktops

Connections allows you to connect to and use other desktops. This can be a great way to access content or software on a different desktop operating system. It can also be used as a way to provide support to users who might need help.

A range of different operating systems can be connected to, including Linux and Windows desktops. You can also connect to virtual machines.

Connections uses the widely supported VNC and RDP protocols, and one of these must be enabled on the desktop that you want to connect to.

在 46.0 版本中的更改

大约 1 个月前
(构建 大约 1 个月前)
  • 社区建成

    该应用由志愿者社区公开开发,并根据 GNU General Public License v3.0 or later 发布。
安装后大小~12.16 MiB
下载大小7.66 MiB
可用架构aarch64, x86_64