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Mendeley Desktop

Mendeley is a free reference manager and an academic social network

With the Mendeley Reference Manager, you can easily organize and search your personal library, annotate documents and cite as you write. Import papers and other documents from your desktop, your existing libraries or websites with ease. Mendeley automatically captures information like authors, title and publisher, which makes organization and browsing easy.

Over 6 million researchers trust Mendeley to share ideas, see what’s new in their field and discuss important developments. Discover new connections by searching for people on Mendeley and finding researchers with similar interests via Public Groups. You can also follow new people from suggestions in your Mendeley feed.

在 1.19.8 版本中的更改

超过 3 年前
(构建于 11 个月前)
  • 未提供更改日志
  • 专有

    该应用不是公开开发的,因此只有其开发人员知道它是如何工作的。 它可能存在难以察觉的不安全因素,也可能在没有监督的情况下发生变化。
安装后大小~120.58 MiB
下载大小119.22 MiB