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browse your photos/videos

pwall is modern style photo/video viewer and organizer.

It shows the folders of your photos/videos main directory in the left pane and a photowall in the right. The photowall is a scrolling panel of square thumbnails giving a preview of each photo/video.

Loading and unloading of this scrolling panel is made dynamicaly, viewing page by viewing page like smartphones do.

It also allows you to have basics management of photos/videos (change dates, copy a group of photos to another directory, delete, share, get GPS data...). Clicking on a photo opens it in fullscreen mode. You can continue your navigation in this mode with left and right keys. I use it as an alternative to Shotwell.

2.1-5 sürümdeki değişiklikler

7 ay önce
(Derleme: 7 ay önce)
  • Topluluk inşası

    Bu uygulama gönüllü bir topluluk tarafından açık olarak geliştirilmiş ve GNU General Public License v2.0 or later lisansı ile yayınlanmıştır.
    Siz de Katılın
Kurulu Boyut~349 KiB
İndirme Boyutu163.27 KiB
Kullanılabilir Mimarileraarch64, x86_64