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Stream movies and TV shows from Jellyfin

Delfin is a native client for the Jellyfin media server. It features a fast and clean interface to stream your media in an embedded MPV-based video player.

Delfin currently supports streaming movies and TV shows from your library. The video player supports the Intro Skipper plugin for skipping intros automatically, and the Jellyscrub plugin to show thumbnails while scrubbing through videos.

This is an early release, you may run into bugs or missing features. Delfin does not come with any media, you must connect to a Jellyfin server. Plugins must be installed and configured on your server to be available from Delfin.

0.4.4 sürümdeki değişiklikler

21 gün önce
(Derleme: 20 gün önce)
  • Topluluk inşası

    Bu uygulama gönüllü bir topluluk tarafından açık olarak geliştirilmiş ve GNU General Public License v3.0 only lisansı ile yayınlanmıştır.
    Siz de Katılın
Kurulu Boyut~104.57 MiB
İndirme Boyutu43.51 MiB
Kullanılabilir Mimarileraarch64, x86_64