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от Mailspring
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The best email app for people and teams at work

Mailspring is a new version of Nylas Mail maintained by one of the original authors. It's faster, leaner, and shipping today! It replaces the JavaScript sync code in Nylas Mail with a new C++ sync engine based on Mailcore2. It uses roughly half the RAM and CPU of Nylas Mail and idles with almost zero "CPU Wakes", which translates to great battery life. It also has an entirely revamped composer and other great new features.

Mailspring comes packed with powerful features like Unified Inbox, Snooze, Send Later, Mail Rules, Templates and more. Mailspring Pro, which you can unlock with a monthly subscription, adds even more features for people who send a ton of email: link tracking, read receipts, mailbox analytics, contact and company profiles. All of these features run in the client - Mailspring does not send your email credentials to the cloud.

Изменения в версии 1.13.3

4 месяца назад
(Собрано 3 месяца назад)
  • Список изменений не предоставлен
  • Сделано сообществом

    Это приложение открыто разрабатывается сообществом волонтёров и выпускается под GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Размер установки~399.95 MiB
Размер загрузки150.29 MiB
Доступные архитектурыx86_64
Количество установок137 203