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開発者: KDE

Character Selector

KCharSelect is a tool to select special characters from all installed fonts and copy them into the clipboard.

You can browse characters by their category or quickly find a certain character by searching for its name.

KCharSelect displays various information about the selected character. This includes not only the Unicode character name, but also aliases, general notes and cross references to similar characters.

For technical use, different representations of the character are shown.

KCharSelect also contains Unihan data for East Asian characters to display English definitions and different pronunciations.

バージョン 24.05.0 の変更点

  • 更新履歴の提供なし
  • コミィニティによるビルド

    このアプリは、ボランティアのコミュニティが開発しており、GNU General Public License v2.0 or later のオープンなライセンスで公開されています。
インストールサイズ~1.01 MiB
ダウンロードサイズ851.84 KiB
対応アーキテクチャaarch64, x86_64