
Training geography with KGeography

Geography learning tool

KGeography is a geography learning tool, which allows you to learn about the political divisions of some countries (divisions, capitals of those divisions and their associated flags if there are some).


  • Browse the maps clicking in a map division to see its name, capital and flag
  • The game tells you a map division name and you have to click on it
  • The game tells you a capital and you have to guess the division it belongs to
  • The game tells you a division and you have to guess its capital
  • The game shows you a map division flag and you have to guess its name
  • The game tells you a map division name and you have to guess its flag
  • The game shows an empty map and you have to place divisions on it one by one

Cambiamenti nella versione 24.02.2

circa un mese fa
(Costruito circa un mese fa)
  • Nessun registro delle modifiche fornito
  • Costruito dalla comunità

    Questa app è sviluppata liberamente da una comunità di volontari e rilasciata con GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
    Mettersi in gioco
Dimensione Installata~11 MiB
Dimensione Download9.2 MiB
Architetture Disponibiliaarch64, x86_64
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