
da Giant Pink Robots!

Create bootable drives

Bootqt is a lightweight application that allows you to quickly create bootable drives from image files such as iso. It uses the dd tool to image the drive. It is written in Python and uses the Qt framework to provide a straightforward graphical user interface that everyone can use. The source code of Bootqt is publicly available.

Bootqt supports these languages: English, Danish, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil) and Turkish.

Cambiamenti nella versione v2024.2.10

3 mesi fa
(Costruito 3 mesi fa)
  • Costruito dalla comunità

    Questa app è sviluppata liberamente da una comunità di volontari e rilasciata con GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
    Mettersi in gioco
Dimensione Installata~26.18 MiB
Dimensione Download6.33 MiB
Architetture Disponibiliaarch64, x86_64
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