Jahresarbeit 2003

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Find the largest area of connected squares

The program "Jahresarbeit 2003" was created as an annual work in the subject of computer science. After starting the game you will see a 9x9 field with different coloured squares. Arrows can be seen at the edge of the field, which are used to move the rows and columns in which the squares are located. Connected squares of the same colour form an area which can be removed by clicking on it. The aim of the game is to remove areas as large as possible in the shortest possible time. The game is over when all squares have been removed or there is no longer any way of removing the remaining squares. However, you should use as few clicks as possible to remove all squares, as these will reduce the final score.

Cambiamenti nella versione 2.0

più di 2 anni fa
(Costruito 7 mesi fa)
  • Nessun registro delle modifiche fornito
  • Costruito dalla comunità

    Questa app è sviluppata liberamente da una comunità di volontari e rilasciata con GNU General Public License v2.0 only, SIL Open Font License 1.1, Apache License 2.0.
    Mettersi in gioco
Dimensione Installata~2.18 MiB
Dimensione Download1.58 MiB
Architetture Disponibilix86_64, aarch64
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