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oleh Winme11

Brand new original puzzle game from 69 Studios

Get ready for intense action and thrilling puzzle-solving with Kublit from 69 Studios! As a new member of a notorious piracy group, your mission is to hunt down valuable serial keys by taking out pesky kublits that stand in your way. Upgrade your skills and gear to become faster, stronger, and more efficient as you rack up the highest score in the game. Can you outperform your rivals and rack up the highest score? Play Kublit now and find out!

Perubahan pada versi 1.0.0

sekitar 1 tahun yang lalu
(Dibangun sekitar 1 tahun yang lalu)
  • Tidak ada changelog yang disediakan
  • Dibangun oleh komunitas

    Aplikasi ini dikembangkan secara terbuka oleh komunitas sukarelawan, dan dirilis di bawah GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
    Ikut terlibat
Ukuran Terpasang~69.35 MiB
Ukuran Unduh40.88 MiB
Arsitektur yang Tersediax86_64