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Reversi Board Game

KReversi is a simple one player strategy game played against the computer. If a player's piece is captured by an opposing player, that piece is turned over to reveal the color of that player. A winner is declared when one player has more pieces of his own color on the board and there are no more possible moves.

Perubahan pada versi 2.1.24022

16 hari yang lalu
(Dibangun 15 hari yang lalu)
  • Tidak ada changelog yang disediakan
  • Dibangun oleh komunitas

    Aplikasi ini dikembangkan secara terbuka oleh komunitas sukarelawan, dan dirilis di bawah GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
    Ikut terlibat
Ukuran Terpasang~12.15 MiB
Ukuran Unduh10.37 MiB
Arsitektur yang Tersediax86_64, aarch64