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per Spotify
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Online music streaming service

Access all of your favorite music, discover new songs, and share music online with your friends - all in one place. Create shared playlists or share individual songs with your Facebook friends with just a click of a button. Follow your favorite artists or friends to know what they are listening to, and then save the songs to your own playlists. Spotify is the best way to have access to millions of songs, and all the latest hits.

Cambiamentos in le version

3 months ago
(Construite about 1 month ago)
  • Necun registro de modificationes fornite
  • Proprietari

    Iste application non es disveloppate de maniera aperite, assi que solmente su developpatores sape como illo functiona. Pote esser insecur in manieras difficile de detectar, e illo pote modificar sin supervision.
    Saper plus
Dimension installate~205 MiB
Dimension de descargamento188.53 MiB
Architecturas disponibilex86_64