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arendajalt Inria Research Team Wimmics

Unlock the power of the Semantic Web

Corese is a comprehensive software platform designed to implement and extend the W3C's Semantic Web standards. This includes support for RDF, RDFS, SPARQL 1.1 Query & Update, OWL RL, SHACL, and more.

Corese-Command serves as the command-line interface (CLI) to the Corese platform. With it, you can execute SPARQL queries against RDF datasets and effortlessly convert between various RDF serialization formats all directly from the command line. This makes Corese-Command an invaluable asset for automated data processing, rapid testing, and seamless integration into broader applications and workflows.

Muutused versioonis 4.5.0

5 kuu eest
(Pakendatud 5 kuu eest)
  • Kogukonna poolt arendatud rakendus

    Seda rakendust arendatakse avatud meetodil kogukonna poolt ning ta on avaldatud järgneva(te) litsentsi(de) alusel: CeCILL-C Free Software License Agreement.
Paigaldatud suurus~188.27 MiB
Allalaaditud suurus80.25 MiB
Saadaval arhitektuuridaarch64, x86_64

Muud rakendused arendajalt Inria Research Team Wimmics