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arendajalt JetBrains s.r.o.
A refactoring screenshot

The most intelligent Python IDE

PyCharm is designed by programmers, for programmers, to provide all the tools you need for productive Python development.

PyCharm provides smart code completion, code inspections, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick-fixes, along with automated code refactorings and rich navigation capabilities.

PyCharm offers great framework-specific support for modern web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, and web2py.

PyCharm integrates with IPython Notebook, has an interactive Python console, and supports Anaconda as well as multiple scientific packages including matplotlib and NumPy.

In addition to Python, PyCharm supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Cython, SQL, HTML/CSS, template languages, AngularJS, Node.js, and more.

A huge collection of tools out of the box: an integrated debugger and test runner; Python profiler; a built-in terminal; and integration with major VCS and built-in Database Tools.

NOTE: This package is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by JetBrains s.r.o.

Muutused versioonis 2024.1

28 päeva eest
(Pakendatud 24 päeva eest)
  • Muudatuste logi on lisamata
  • Suletud lähtekood

    Seda rakendust ei arendata avatud meetodil ning vaid arendajad teavad seda, kuidas ta töötab. Rakenduse funktsionaalsus võib muutuda suvalisel ajahetkel ning tema turvalisuse taset on väliselt võimatu kontrollida ja hinnata.
Paigaldatud suurus~1.02 GiB
Allalaaditud suurus978.15 MiB
Saadaval arhitektuuridx86_64, aarch64
Paigaldusi159 005