Flathub Logo


arendajalt Carlos Suarez

Know the forecast of the next hours and days with data and maps at any city all around the world

Current weather, with information about temperature, pressure, wind speed and wind direction, sunrise and sunset. Know meteorologic predictions to next hours and days. Show awesome maps with all the information. Switch between some maps distributors. Now with System Tray Indicator, showing your location and forecast.

Other features:

  • Forecast for next 18 hours
  • Forecast for next five days
  • Choose your units from metric, imperial or british systems
  • Choose your city with popup maps
  • Watch awesome maps with weather information

Muutused versioonis

3 kuu eest
(Pakendatud 3 kuu eest)
  • Muudatuste logi on lisamata
  • Kogukonna poolt arendatud rakendus

    Seda rakendust arendatakse avatud meetodil kogukonna poolt ning ta on avaldatud järgneva(te) litsentsi(de) alusel: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Paigaldatud suurus~1.39 MiB
Allalaaditud suurus469.69 KiB
Saadaval arhitektuuridx86_64, aarch64
Paigaldusi50 859