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per Alexander F. Rødseth

Super Nintendo emulator

ZSNES is a classical SNES Emulator. Its development started 1998 and is was one of the most used SNES Emulators for years.

Today you should use ZSNES only for historical and nostalgia reasons, as there are Emulators out there which provide more Features and better Game compatibility.

Canvis en la versió 2.0.12

fa aproximadament un any
(Built fa 8 mesos)
  • No s'ha proporcionat cap registre de canvis
  • Construït per la comunitat

    Aquesta aplicació es desenvolupa en obert per una comunitat de voluntaris, i s'allibera sota GNU General Public License v2.0 only.
Mida instal·lada~4.52 MiB
Mida de la baixada1.12 MiB
Arquitectures disponiblesx86_64