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per Prusa Research a.s
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Get perfect 3D prints!

PrusaSlicer (formerly known as Slic3r Prusa Edition or Slic3r PE) is our own in-house developed slicer software based on the open-source project Slic3r. PrusaSlicer is an open-source, feature-rich, frequently updated tool that contains everything you need to export the perfect print files for (not only) your Original Prusa 3D printer. Of course, it’s still open-source and you’ll find everything on our GitHub. We’re still proud that our slicer is based on the original project written by Alessandro Ranellucci! Both projects now happily coexist and new features are frequently merged between one and another.

Canvis en la versió 2.7.4

fa aproximadament un mes
(Built fa 27 dies)
  • Construït per la comunitat

    Aquesta aplicació es desenvolupa en obert per una comunitat de voluntaris, i s'allibera sota GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only.
Mida instal·lada~177.59 MiB
Mida de la baixada84.23 MiB
Arquitectures disponiblesaarch64, x86_64