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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Persona

от Lat'
Title screen

A Persona-inspired mod based on the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame Sonic Robo Blast 2

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Persona (usually shortened to SRB2Persona or SRB2P) is a Persona-inspired game with Sonic-themed characters. It features the flash aesthetic of the Persona battle system with a hint of mainline Shin Megami Tensei buff system, hundreds of available Persona skills and various game campaigns that require different strategies.

Промени във версия 1.3.6

преди около година
(създадена преди около 2 месеца)
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Инсталиран размер~147.93 MiB
Изтеглен размер128.25 MiB
Налични архитектуриaarch64, x86_64