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от The Bustle developers
Explore sequence diagrams of D-Bus activity

Visualize D-Bus activity

Bustle draws sequence diagrams of D-Bus activity. It shows signal emissions, method calls and their corresponding returns, with time stamps for each individual event and the duration of each method call. This can help you check for unwanted D-Bus traffic, and pinpoint why your D-Bus-based application is not performing as well as you like. It also provides statistics like signal frequencies and average method call times.

Промени във версия 0.9.2

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  • Обществен

    Този софтуер е свободен и се разработва от доброволци под „GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later“.
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Инсталиран размер~4.65 MiB
Изтеглен размер2.35 MiB
Налични архитектуриaarch64, x86_64