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Drumstick Metronome

от Pedro López-Cabanillas

Drumstick MIDI Metronome based on the ALSA Sequencer

Drumstick Metronome is a MIDI metronome with Qt5 interface, based on the ALSA sequencer. Intended for musicians and music students, it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage, and very accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer.

Промени във версия 1.4.0

преди 5 месеца
(създадена преди 5 месеца)
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    Този софтуер е свободен и се разработва от доброволци под „GNU General Public License v2.0 or later“.
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Инсталиран размер~1.2 MiB
Изтеглен размер504.71 KiB
Налични архитектуриx86_64, aarch64