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ад Blender Foundation

Free and open source 3D creation suite

Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline — modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, motion tracking, and video editing.

Blender is a public project, made by hundreds of people from around the world; by studios and individual artists, professionals and hobbyists, scientists, students, VFX experts, animators, game artists, modders, and the list goes on.

Змены ў версіі 4.1.0

каля 1 месяца таму
(Сабрана 29 дзён таму)
  • Створана супольнасцю

    Гэтая праграма адкрыта распрацоўваецца супольнасцю валанцёраў і выпускаецца пад GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
Усталяваны памер~1.28 GiB
Памер спампоўкі433.58 MiB
Даступныя архітэктурыx86_64
Усталёвак592 957