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ад Maxime Doyen

Personal accounting for everyone

HomeBank is a free software (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") that will assist you to manage your personal accounting.

It is designed to easy to use and be able to analyse your personal finance in detail using powerful filtering tools and beautiful graphs.

If you are looking for a completely free and easy way to manage your personal accounting then HomeBank should be the software of choice.

Змены ў версіі 5.7.4

3 месяцы таму
(Сабрана 3 месяцы таму)
  • Створана супольнасцю

    Гэтая праграма адкрыта распрацоўваецца супольнасцю валанцёраў і выпускаецца пад GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
Усталяваны памер~37.8 MiB
Памер спампоўкі12.76 MiB
Даступныя архітэктурыx86_64, aarch64
Усталёвак54 525