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طوَّره Florian Höch
لم يُتحقّق منه
DisplayCAL main window

Display calibration and profiling with a focus on accuracy and versatility

Calibrate and characterize your display devices using one of many supported measurement instruments, with support for multi-display setups and a variety of available options for advanced users, such as verification and reporting functionality to evaluate ICC profiles and display devices, creating video 3D LUTs, as well as optional CIECAM02 gamut mapping to take into account varying viewing conditions.

التغييرات في الإصدار

منذ أكثر من 4 سنوات
(تاريخ إنشاء التصريفة منذ شهرين تقريبا)
  • بناها مجتمع

    يطوِّر متطوِّعون هذا التطبيق علنًا، وينشرونها وفق GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
حجمه بعد تثبيته~258.65 MiB
حجمه عند التنزيل78.49 MiB
البنيات المتوفِّرةx86_64, aarch64