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طوَّره Jaakko Keränen

A Beautiful Gemini Client

Lagrange is a desktop GUI client for browsing Geminispace. It offers modern conveniences familiar from web browsers, such as smooth scrolling, inline image viewing, multiple tabs, visual themes, Unicode fonts, bookmarks, history, and page outlines.

Like the Gemini protocol, Lagrange has been designed with minimalism in mind. It depends on a small number of essential libraries. It is written in C and uses SDL for hardware-accelerated graphics. OpenSSL is used for secure communications.

التغييرات في الإصدار 1.17.6

منذ 4 أشهر
(تاريخ إنشاء التصريفة منذ 4 أشهر)
  • بناها مجتمع

    يطوِّر متطوِّعون هذا التطبيق علنًا، وينشرونها وفق BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.
حجمه بعد تثبيته~7.51 MiB
حجمه عند التنزيل5.19 MiB
البنيات المتوفِّرةx86_64, aarch64

تطبيقات أخرى طوَّرها Jaakko Keränen
